Discover the Incredible 4-Phase Habit (yes, habit) Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge Developed From Our Private Client Mentorship Program Designed to Strengthen Your Mindset and Prevent Summer Weight Gain in Just 4 Short Weeks...
No Worries. We have a 30 day money back guarantee
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From: Alicia

I’m a mom of 3 daughters (an older one and a set of twins) and I feel like I barely have time to do anything. My husband and I try to be active with the kids, but we both put on weight, especially me. When we got married, I was 110 pounds, and a few years after the kids I was 167—and I’m only 5’3”! 

I tried everything from long cardio sessions to starvation diets and barely saw anything. I’d lose 5 or 10 pounds, and then plateau and rebound. I felt like I had no energy to do anything and my bloating was out of control.

Then I started working with Liz and Becca. When we focused on creating healthy habits and not just following some diet plan and workout plan, I was skeptical but decided to stick with it.

Weeks later, I was astounded. Not only I felt lighter, I felt tighter. Not only my energy was coming back so I can finally keep up with my little ones but I was feeling mentally strong and resilient because I was finally being consistent about doing the right things for being healthy!
It's Not Your Fault
It doesn’t matter if you’ve made some mistakes and tried to get incredible results with a mediocre program, or if you’ve been stuck doing extended cardio sessions that don’t get you to where you want to be.

We’ve all been subjected to the same bad advice from the same sources. 

Some of it’s just people repeating bad information they got from someone else, not even knowing it’s false. 

A good deal of this bad advice is from people trying to sell you fat-burners or carb-blockers, or ab gadgets.

The fact of the matter is: no supplement is going to instantly correct what nature has built into us.

And if sorting through the bad information in gyms and fighting off the advertising juggernaut of the fitness industry wasn’t enough, you have your own body to contend with.

What do I mean by that?

Well, if you’ve ever had moderate success on a diet and training program, you know what I’m talking about: things are going well and then—BAM—you slam into the proverbial wall and your progress stops dead.  

We all know that keeping the weight off is A LOT harder than losing the weight, but why?

Ready for a boring history lesson? Of course you are, everyone loves boring history lessons.

(Honestly, just go ahead and skip the next 3 paragraphs. They’re all science-y and I didn’t even bother to write anything funny. Just jump down to the next highlighted stuff.)

Well, thanks to thousands of years of evolution, our brains have adapted to complacency. It's like the "I'm good Monday through Friday, but eat like an ass on the weekends" type of thing because everything got easier - less walking because of cars, less manual labor because of office jobs, less cooking because of food delivery service and restaurants.

We want a reward for working hard (or in our terms, eating good and working out). You might want a tight belly and a nice butt, but all your brain wants is to Netflix and Chill.

Over the course of generations, it became OK to be mediocre. It became OK to be out of shape and unhealthy if you have a positive self talk in the mirror.

(I warned you, this really isn’t interesting. Let’s just get to the part about getting hot.)

Whenever you try to get outside your comfort zone, your brain and body try to get back to their happy place by making it more difficult to stay on track.

Essentially, more you move away from couch potato status, the harder your body fights to keep them.

(You’re still reading? You must love science. I bet you even took AP Psychology.)

The real answer is to outsmart your brain with an intelligent habit program that will be simple enough to stay on track, no matter what.

So listen, celebrate FitMom FitMonth with us by taking part in our Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge. 

It’s designed not around numbers or weight loss goals like losing 20lbs in 6 weeks (which most people gain all back) like other challenges you might have been a part of or seen floating online, but specifically engineered to teach you about building healthy habits that will help you no matter what your goals are.

Some of these may seem super simple for you while others may need some fine tuning, so this is a way for you to bring awareness to the foundational habits of a healthy lifestyle and improve on those that may be missing. 

The FMFM Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge starts May 1st and runs for full 31 days until the end of the month to help you get a kickstart on the summer. 

You will receive two emails a week with a habit to work on, along with access to a private FitMom Facebook™️ group for accountability, support and encouragement from others walking the same journey as you! 

Saddle up and get ready for the next four weeks to be handed the foundational tools we use with all our private clients from Day 1 to get them on the right path for success.

$97 $17

That’s less than half the cost of just ONE session with a run of the mill personal trainer at an average big box gym who likely knows NOTHING about fat loss; especially about how to build a strong mindset, or how to completely revolutionize your day-to-day lifestyle using certain proven habits.

Can You Get Results WITHOUT This Program?

Yes, you can. But at what cost? 

How much more time are you willing to invest—to waste— before you actually get to where you want to be?

Frankly, the choice, as always, is yours…but which will you choose?

Option #1: The Do It Yourself Approach

This is what you’ve been doing in the past. Trying to figure it out all on your own, or listening to the same trite advice from the same bad sources. You’ve done it before, maybe with moderate success.

I mean, you could even stumble across your own system that builds mental resilience while shedding fat. Stranger things have happened.

So yes, you could essentially do it yourself. But, if you choose to go this route, be prepared to put forth a lot of blood, sweat, and tears while wasting what is a lot of value time – time you could be spending enjoying your new body. 


Option #2: The Proven FitMom FitMonth Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge

With FMFM Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge, we’ve removed ALL the guesswork, delivering to you a proven blueprint for building a stronger mindset, healthier lifestyle all while losing weight to prepare you for the summer.

We’re GIVING you a proven “short-cut to success” so you don’t have to struggle to find out what works and what doesn't.

You see, we really WANT you to succeed.  

With this program, we’ve laid it all out there—the exact foundations that has been responsible for hundreds of clients breaking their weight loss plateaus finally losing those last stubborn pounds.

And Here's The Best Part...

If it doesn’t work JUST like I’m telling you it will – it costs you NOTHING.

Literally. Not one penny.

Look, we’ve already established that we have a pretty high opinion of our programs. 
And that’s why we offer my RISK FREE, no-questions-asked, Over-the-top 30-day Money-back Guarantee:

If at any point over the course of the next 30 days you are not satisfied with your investment in FitMom FitMonth Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge, just let us know and we’ll refund your money—all of it.  

Am we that confident FitMom FitMonth Nutrition & Lifestyle Challenge is going to work? Damn right we are.

Copyright 2022. FitMom Lifestyle, LLC all rights reserved
Please read our awesome disclaimer: Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth: most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is you. There is no such thing as a Magic Pill or overnight success.